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Senin, 02 April 2012

How to Resolve Complex Problems

Friends, problems often occur at work, at home, while relaxing with family, life is always a problem.

How do we cope?

  1. To resolve the problem you have to sort out the issues which are important for the present and the issue resolved that is not too important, too, but not critical to be completed as soon as possible.  
  2. After sorting out a problem you need to find the roots of problems that may be of issue, the root of the problem is most plausible cause the problem you are looking for a solution. 
  3. Find a solution to solve the root problem 
  4. Develop solutions to some alternative solutions 
  5. The following solutions apply alternative solutions to resolve problems 
  6. Then you create a short-term anticipation and long term so that these problems are not repeated in the future

This method is applicable also to describe any complex issues such as instances in the IT world, and already I have applied to solve various problems in my client.

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